Port: 7171
Uptime: 99.9636%
Players: 107 (0) / 0
Current time:
10 October 2024 05:35:58
Now 4404 players are playing on 116 servers.
In our database there are 1745 OT Servers.
Added: 28.09.2024
OtsList.eu Widgets
Script will display nice box with possibility to rate the server.
How it looks: (text will be in English!)
You have to paste on your website this script:
Kod PHP:
<script type="text/javascript">
var otslist_serverid = ID_OTS;
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://otslist.eu/ratingWidget.js?jquery=1"></script>
Legend:- OTS_ID - ID of the server on OtsList.eu
- jquery=1 - type "0", if you have jQuery included before. (not recommended)
Script changes the language automatically (English & Polish).
Where to paste? Before
</body> in
layout.php (for Gesior).